Why Choose Publishers’ Assistant?

Steve Carlson

Publishers’ Assistant is business management software that was designed specifically for the publishing industry. That means that you’ll be dealing with software and people who understand the business of publishing. We’ve been offering solutions to publishers since 1989. If you have a question about how to handle a business situation, help — real help — is just a phone call away.

While you enter your invoices, Publishers’ Assistant takes care of logging any and all liabilities that are associated with that sale — including royalty fees, consignment costs, and commissions. Royalty and consignment contracts can get complicated. PubAssist handles them, and you’ll know what you owe your authors and suppliers at any time.

Paying your authors, suppliers, and sales representatives is as simple as running a report. If you have several liability accounts, the Lyric and Epic editions of PubAssist can automatically pay off all your accounts with a single transaction! You can spend your time dealing with exceptions — rather than the grind of entering each and every payment.

When you are dealing with major book distributors and retailers, life can get complicated in a hurry. For example, distributors frequently demand 120 days to pay, yet take credit for returns immediately, and sometimes withhold funds as a further hedge against returns. PubAssist gives you the tools to stay in control! You’ll know how much inventory your distributor or retailer has, as well as exactly what they owe you at all times.

With the additional new capabilities of CoupletTM you’ll be able to manage your title data in one place. That means that you can eliminate the duplicate efforts needed to keep your web site and your trading partners up to date.

Publishers’ Assistant will also help you to stay on top of your marketing efforts. You’ll know who your reviewers are. You can track which books you’ve sent them and when. You’ll be able to track which marketing efforts are paying off the most.

With features like an open-ended reporting environment, support for the ONIX International Standard, a date-sensitive inventory system, industry-specific liability accounting, and interfaces to popular tools like Quickbooks and UPS Online WorldShip, Publishers’ Assistant provides you with a complete arsenal to meet the challenges of today’s publishing industry.

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